Stretching to improve your flexibility | Form Fitness Christchurch Personal Trainers

Stretching to improve your flexibility

Stretching is an important part of training both for warm up (dynamic stretching) and cool down.  Using dynamic stretching as part of your warm up is helpful to get the joints and muscles used to working through a greater range of movement as well as helping to loosen off any restricting muscles.

The purpose of stretching for cool down is to aid recovery and improve flexibility. During exercise your muscles, ligaments and tendons are ‘damaged’. Higher levels of blood are in your muscles and waste products also build up. A proper cool down helps repair your body from all the hard work and ‘trauma’ of exercise. It also better prepares you for the next workout.   Stretching can also be done during the day to help lengthen tight muscles.

Benefits of stretching as Part of Your Cool Down

Stretching, as part of an effective cool-down, helps to alleviate post exercise muscle soreness by lengthening the individual muscle fibres, increasing blood circulation and removing waste products.

Stretching improves our flexibility – as a result of stretching a reduction in general muscle tension is achieved and your normal range of movement is increases. This can have the following benefits: increased comfort; a greater ability to move freely; and a lessening of your susceptibility to muscle and tendon strain injuries. This can also positively impact your performance positively as your muscles work more efficiently.

Static stretching is generally the easiest and best for cool down. This involves gently holding the stretch for 20-30 seconds.  Stretching by yourself outside of your training sessions at Form Fitness can also help in increase movement and improve muscle function for your next training session.

It is important to remember that generally the focus should be on stretching those muscles which are tight, muscles which already have normal range of movement in most cases rarely need to be stretched to gain greater flexibility. If you are unsure of what needs stretching your trainer will be able to help.

If you are going to focus on spending some time stretching after your personal workouts or during the day keep in mind muscles need to be warm and relaxed in order to stretch effectively, so remember these three keys…

1              Ensure you are warm before stretching

2              Relax the muscles being stretched and use breathing to ease into the stretch

3              Hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds – this gives the muscle a chance to relax and to stretch

Here are a few stretches to help you limber up this summer…



Lying on your side with the bottom leg bent at 90; this helps to stabailise the pelvis.

Bend the top leg into the backside ensuring the knee is in line with the hip.

To increase the stretch push the knee backwards behind the body.



Lying on your back lift one leg up keeping the knee straight.

Hold the leg up with the hands so a stretch is felt in the hamstring.

If pain is felt in the back of the knee with a straight leg you can also perform this stretch with a bend in the knee.

NOTE: This stretch can also be done in the doorway.



Lying on your back with one leg bent at 90.

Rest the ankle of the other leg onto the bent leg.

Pull the knee diagonally across the chest until a stretch is felt in the glutes.




Standing with one foot forward and one foot back. The hands are positioned on the wall as shown.

Lean into the front foot, pushing the back heal into the ground until a stretch is achieved in the calf.



Knelling with the arms outstretched and the forehead resting on the ground.

Reach the arms out in front of you while pushing the hips to the heals until a stretch is achieved in the lats.




Standing in a doorway with both arms at 90.

Use the body weight to lean forward until a stretch is achieved in the pecs.

NOTE: this stretch can be done with the arms resting at varying heights depending on where the muscle is tight.

For more help with your stretching Talk to your FORM Fitness Personal Trainer, they will be able to show you how to find the right positions and teach you the finer tips of stretching.