Want Anti-Aging? Strength Train Your Muscles

Building muscle is often overlooked, read why strength training is crucial to your health and wellbeing and the benefits it has for your health.

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Piraformis and the Sciatic Nerve

Explore the relationship between piraformis and the sciatic nerve. Piraformis Syndrome, Sciatica and Solutions.

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Lordosis and Posture – Is a lordosis causing you back pain?

Some common poor postures for low back pain include - lumbar lordosis, sway-back, round back, flat back, and scoliosis. A lordotic position refers to an abnormal inward curvature of the lumbar spine, resulting in an exaggerated arch in the lower back. Some lordosis is normal, too much can be problematic.

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Body awareness and mind muscle connection

Do you need help developing body awareness and mind-muscle connection? The phrase “muscle memory” might make you think every muscle has a little brain that helps you exercise. That is not the case...

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Understanding Bone Density and Osteoporosis

It can be scary to hear the words "declining bone density and osteoporosis" but what does this mean?
To understand why our bone density decreases over time we must understand how our bones are structured and function. Contrary to popular belief bones are not just a rigid framework for our bodies that help it move around.

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Suffering with Plantar Fasciitis?

Learn about Plantar Fasciitis and why it is so important to get on top of your rehab and look at the big picture around the muscles that stabalise the feet, ankles and hips.

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Pillars of Menopause Survival

"I am woman, Hear me roar" IT'S MENOPAUSE! And suddenly you know... It is time to start something new and trust the magic of a new and different beginning... here are some pillars to survival

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Getting up off the Floor with Ease

Do you have an inability to get up off the floor with ease? At best, it’s a crawl across the living room to get assistance from the nearest couch. Does this sound familiar?  Then read on as we will addressing one of the biggest fears for many of us...

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Is Forward Head Posture affecting you… and what is Kyphosis?

Is your posture causing you pain, are you suffering from kyphosis and forward head posture? We can help...

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Functional Training for Life

"You have the ability to get to a place where you can live your life without daily pain or discomfort, and functional fitness can help you." ...

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